Come Worship With Us

Come Worship With Us

Friday, May 23, 2008

Old Faithful

Back in the summer of 1983 I had the opportunity to go to Yellowstone National Park for a fraternity meeting. Keith Fowler and I were able to visit the famous "Old Faithful Geyser". The fact that hot water was shooting out of the ground was interesting. However what I found to be more interesting was that with an error of 10 minutes, Old Faithful will erupt 65 minutes after an eruption lasting less than 2.5 minutes or 92 minutes after an eruption lasting more than 2.5 minutes. Now that is reliability.

We are entering time of year where reliability to our church becomes a precious commodity. With summer activities, vacations, camps and ballgames, one finds it hard to be faithful to our church. I think Gods understands that we need some time for family and ourselves. He knows that we need to be renewed.

Before Jacob died he was promised by his sons that they would take him home to be buried with his father and grandfather. Jacob trusted on the reliability of his sons to take him home and they complied with his request.

What does God ask of us the church ?

Do you see yourself as being reliable to the church and to God ?

How can we balance our time and the time we give to the church ?

It should be a good lesson !!!

See you church.

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