Come Worship With Us

Come Worship With Us

Saturday, November 29, 2008

After The Leftovers

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. The food was great. The weather was beautiful. The break from work was fantastic. The entertainment was interesting as my 94 year old grandmother sang to us hymns after lunch.

Now our thoughts turn back to the norm. Work, ballgames, meetings and our daily lives will fill our time. Will I remember to thank God for these things that fill my life? Will I remember to turn to him for my needs? Will I remember Thanksgiving after the leftovers are gone ?

In class we will listen to a prayer from David thanking God for never letting him down. This is a heart felt prayer of thanksgiving. I just hope I can learn from his example.

See you in class.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

All In The Family

As we prepare for Thanksgiving our thoughts turn to our families. This Thursday many of us will pass the sweet potatoes or turkey to someone in our family. We will laugh at some members for something funny they said and hug some we have not seen in a while. Many of us will share how we have been blessed during the last year.

David has some family troubles this week. Rape and murder plague his home. We will see a true dysfunctional family because God is not invited to their Thanksgiving meal.

As we share a meal with our families this week let's remember how blessed we are to have them. Also remember to invite God to your family gathering.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Tangled Webs We Weave

In Proverbs 6 we read:

16 There are six things the LORD hates,
seven that are detestable to him:

17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,

18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,

19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

" The Lord hates " are strong words. Surely I am not guilty of any of these sins.

This week we will read about the sins of David as he lust after his neighbor. God hated what David did and made him pay a high price for these sins.

I may not have shed innocent blood but I have said hurtful words to people. I know I have not started a riot but I have pasted along information that may have made one think less of someone else.

Does God hate these actions ?

If He does am I any different in my actions than David ?

This lesson has humbled me greatly. See you in class.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Your Call Is Calling

This week the unemployment rate hit a 14 year high at 6.5%. In the month of October 240,000 people lost their jobs. When is the last time you have thanked God for your job? I know sometimes I take my job for granted.

This week God lets King David know that He (God) is the boss. He also promises David a great future with the company if He (God) remains as the boss.

How can we keep God as the boss at our work place ?

God can use us in great ways at our jobs if we let Him.

Hope to see you in class.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pray For Uncle Sam

The life of every citizen will be impacted by our upcoming elections. This election will see the greatest number of voters ever. As you know there is a great deal at stake for each of us. Regardless of the winner, we as citizens must pray for our elected officials.

Ten Ways To Pray For People In Leadership -

Pray that:

1. they be granted wisdom, knowledge, and understanding ( Jas 1:5)
2. they recognize their own inadequacy and seek the will of God ( Prov 3:5-8 )
3. they be convicted of sin ( John 8:1-9 )
4. they respect authority and practice accountability ( Rom 13:1-7 )
5. they be honest and faithful to spouses and children ( Mal 2: 15-16 )
6. they be timely, reliable, and dependable ( Mt 21: 28-31 )
7. they desire honesty, integrity, and loyalty ( Prov 11:3 )
8. they endeavor to restore the sanctity of life and family ( Eph 5:21-6:4 )
9. they desire humility and meekness ( Titus 3: 1-2 )
10. they be prepared to give account to God ( Heb 9:27 )

See you in class.