Come Worship With Us

Come Worship With Us

Saturday, April 5, 2008

I Hate You !!!

I Hate You !!! Have you ever heard those words ? They are strong and hurt. Someone not too long ago told me that they hated me. Those words hurt me. Just to hear that you are hated by someone can effect your christian walk around that person.

This week we are going to look at the hate that Joseph's brothers had for him. That hate would lead to Joseph being harmed at the hands of his brothers. It would be hard to understand what Joseph had to deal with knowing that his brothers disliked him so strongly.

What decisions have you had to make that seemed to result in adversity no matter what you decided ?

How do you handle those times when doing what is right means others might hate you ?

What helps you focus on carrying out your duty in midst of people who dislike you ?
Let's pray for each other.

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