Come Worship With Us

Come Worship With Us

Saturday, August 16, 2008

How To Handle Criticism

"Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing." Aristotle. There is much truth to that quote. Sometimes it is hard for us to handle criticism the right way. We get our feeling hurt. I know it is hard for me because I want everyone to like me. The reality is, we need criticism. When done correctly it makes us better.

This week Paul is criticized by the people of Jerusalem. We will see how he handles this criticism.

What are some basic reasons that unbelievers criticize those who follow Christ ?

What are some basic reasons that our fellow church members criticize each other ?

What can be done to counter unfair criticism ?

Lord, we can't see each wrong we do,
So send us help from Christians who
Will notice faults we do not see
And tell us of them tactfully. —Branon

Bring your thinking caps to class.

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