Come Worship With Us

Come Worship With Us

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Help Me Set The Table

I spent my holiday on the seat of a tractor in the hay field. One can solve many of the world's problems from the seat of a tractor. I enjoy working in the hay field as we gather food for our cows to help them live through a long cold winter.

During the winter as the cows hear the sounds of the tractor, they know that food is on the way. They gather around the hay rings waiting for a bale to be dropped. After a day that bale has been eaten and they await another.

This week we are going to see God showing Peter that the good news is for all people not just the Jews. We need to set the table for all who are hungry.

Do we prepare enough food for all that are hungry ?

Do we set enough places at the table ?

The only way our cows could survive the winter is hay that we prepare for them. The only way that some in this world can survive is that we feed them the word. Let us set the table.

See you in Sunday School !

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